Pre Cancer Screening
Dr. Sim is more than happy to perform a pre-cancer screening during your regularly scheduled dental check-ups. Early detection can help to minimize potential scarring effects and possibly save your life!
What is a Pre-Cancer Screening?
A pre-cancer screening is utilized to help detect oral cancer as early as possible. This screening is completed very quickly and is virtually painless. If you notice any of the following symptoms, please contact Family Dental Care to schedule a screening.
- Change to your voice
- Difficulty chewing or swallowing
- Feeling something is constantly stuck in your throat
- Lump/sore that will not go away, or heal, on the lip or mouth
- Numbness, pain, or unusual bleeding in the mouth
- White or Red patches on the tongue, the lining of the mouth, or gums
What Happens During the Pre-Cancer Screening?
Before the exam begins Dr. Sim will need you to remove all dental appliances that are not permanent. Your screening will include both a visual and physical examination. During the visual portion, we will look for any indications of cancer on your face, lips, neck, and in your mouth. During the physical portion, we will be feeling for lumps along the sides of your neck and under your jaw. The inside of your lips and cheeks will also be checked, along with lifting your tongue and pulling it gently side to side.
Our offices also incorporate using VELscope to help identify oral cancer at its earliest stage. The VELscope shines a bright blue light and will help to illuminate areas of concern. The tissues in your mouth will present as green when healthy, and the areas of concern will be a dark color.